Seven Most Common Causes of Bad Breath

Halitosis, or more commonly called bad breath, but no matter what you call it, it’s a pressing problem for many. Family dentistry experts say there are many causes of this chronic condition. The good news is that knowing the cause of bad breath allows you to treat the problem.

  1. Forgotten Food Particles – When food particles remain in your mouth, they breed bacteria, which causes a very bad odor. Also, pungent foods, such as garlic and onions, leave a lasting mark on your breath. But good oral hygiene allows you to remove those bits of food and avoid the bad breath they cause.
  2. Poor Oral Hygiene – If you don’t brush and floss every day, bacteria collect on your teeth and develop into plaque. This can cause deep pockets in your gums where bacteria can hide and produce bad breath. Yet good oral hygiene can help you avoid the issue.
  3. Dry Mouth – Saliva rinses away the bacteria and food in your mouth. If you don’t produce enough saliva, these particles remain and lead to halitosis. This is a common condition known as dry mouth.
  4. Oral Infections – Did you know that bad breath can be caused by surgical wounds after oral surgery? These wounds can attract bacteria, which leads to halitosis. If you have any lingering wounds after an oral procedure, see an affordable dentist right away to help you heal from the injuries.
  5. Certain Medications – Some medications can result in bad breath by contributing to dry mouth. Be sure to discuss your medications with an affordable dentist to see if they’re affecting your breath.
  6. Medical Conditions – There are some diseases that produce chemicals that cause bad breath, such as certain cancers, metabolic disorders, and even chronic acid reflux. And severe nasal and throat infections can also lead to halitosis. Ask a family dentistry expert if your medical situation may be harming your breath.
  7. Smoking – Tobacco produces a very strong odor, as well as increases your risk of gum disease and other medical conditions that can leave you with pungent breath. If you smoke, you need to stop to save both your breath and your health.

If you have chronic halitosis come see us at Pelham Dental Care so we can help you address all of your dental needs. Pelham Dental Care provides comprehensive general dentistry. Our services include cleanings, fillings, root canals, crowns, bridges, cosmetic dentistry, and solutions to replace missing teeth, such as dentures or dental implants.

Call us today at (205) 663-6246 to schedule a new patient exam!
